When can you wear eye makeup after cataract surgery?

You must have a small incision made in your eye for laser-based cataract surgery. Foreign bodies, such as dust and bacteria, could enter your eye and cause infection until this is completely healed. You must heed any postoperative instructions that your doctor or the nurses caring for you offer you. You can also find some postoperative dos and don’ts. Following this advice can lessen the chance of your eye becoming infected and complications arising after your cataract surgery. You should also know when can you wear eye makeup after cataract surgery

After cataract surgery when can you wear eye makeup?

You should not consider doing make up after cataract surgery. Following cataract surgery, we encourage patients to refrain from using mascara, eyeshadow, concealer beneath their eyes, or eye lotions for at least a week. Also, avoid wearing makeup and touching makeup brushes and sponges close to your eyes is crucial because they may be contaminated with dangerous microorganisms. Keep the cosmetics you use far away from your eyes while moisturizing or applying makeup to other parts of your face. It’s always wise to check with your surgeon or optician before you start wearing makeup. It is because they may provide individually customized advice. Timelines can vary slightly, however, depending on your circumstances.

If you wear fake eyelashes or extensions, you must take them off before surgery and wait at least two months to wear them again afterward.

After cataract surgery, we always encourage patients to replace their old eye makeup and applicators with new ones to lower the risk of infection and cross-contamination.

Additionally, we request that patients take off any eye make-up at least 24 hours before their scheduled cataract eye surgery.

You should remove your eye make-up as gently as possible once ready to resume using it.

Best products to use after cataract or RLE surgery:

  • Makeup remover for eyes

Patients should remove their makeup gently when ready to resume utilizing cosmetics. Use cotton pads dipped in makeup remover over the closed eye for a delicate and efficient eye makeup removal technique.

  • A magnifying glass

Even with premium lenses (multi-focal lenses and extended depth of focus lenses), some patients still need reading glasses after surgery for the clearest near vision. It is impossible to use reading glasses while applying most makeup. You can apply makeup with any magnifying mirror, provided you can see enough.

  • Lubricating eye drops

Eye drops that lubricate the eyes will assist in relieving any symptoms of dry eyes and make the eyes more comfortable. These drops often contain sodium hyaluronate, hyaluronic acid’s (HA) sodium salt form, and a component of your body’s natural fluids like skin and joint fluid. No prescription is required to purchase lubricating eye drops, which can be used as frequently as necessary to keep your eyes comfortable. You can purchase them over the counter or online.

Do’s and Don’t About Makeup After Cataract Surgery

Do this: 

  • Take a break from heavy exercise and rest.

Given that cataract surgery has such a high success rate when done correctly, you may see an improvement in your eyesight right away. Nevertheless, you must take it easy and rest for the first two to three days after the procedure.

After cataract surgery, refrain from engaging in heavy tasks like housework or exercise during this time. This will provide your eyes with the necessary healing time. You can continue to enjoy reading, watching TV, and using your computer during this period. Exactly how long you should refrain from strenuous activities will be specified by your expert.

  • Shower and bathe as usual

You’ll be allowed to bathe and shower as usual after cataract surgery. Keep in mind to keep water and other irritants out of your eyes, such as soap or shampoo. We suggest wiping your face with water for the first two weeks rather than splashing it on it.

Before washing your treated eye, you must wait for the heated water to cool. Use cotton wool or gauze to gently wipe your eye from the inside to the outer corner after dipping it in water. Avoid wiping, rubbing, or applying pressure to your eye. Also, avoid cleaning your eye out with water. Before wiping your eye, remember to cleanse your hands. You can get more guidance from your expert on how to keep your eye clean while it heals.


  • Don’t rub your eyes while they’re healing

Even though it would be tempting to rub your eyes following cataract surgery, doing so can delay healing and raise the chance of infection. In the early stages of proper healing, try to avoid touching your eyes as much as possible.

  • Wait to start wearing eye makeup for the first few weeks.

There is always a chance that eye makeup particles could slip into your healing eye, even if you apply them carefully. It could lead to an infection in addition to being irritating.

You should refrain from using eye makeup for around four weeks following cataract surgery. During your postoperative session, your consultant will assess your healing progress and can give you advice on when you can resume applying cosmetics to the region around your eyes.

  • Don’t get irritants in your eye.

Your eye may be irritated by more than just makeup particles. While healing, your eye is particularly vulnerable to several factors, including soap, dust, smoke, wind, pollen, and sunshine.

Remember to wear your eye shield, simple glasses, or sunglasses to prevent this. In the initial days following your treatment, this is especially useful when you’re outside. Attempt to avoid cooking or doing any housekeeping for the first two weeks following cataract surgery. Wear your eye shield to lessen the chance of irritation and infection if you can’t prevent it.

You can increase the likelihood of your cataract surgery success by adhering to these straightforward dos

and don’ts.



When can you wear eye makeup after cataract surgery? This is a question that many cataract surgery patients have. There is no standard duration for waiting to start wearing make-up. It will vary depending on the patient. Most patients should, at the absolute least, refrain from wearing make-up (powders, foundation, or eye makeup) for at least one week following surgery. After surgery, some individuals might need to wait one month.

If you wear makeup too soon after surgery, you risk having make-up particles and/or applicators interfere with routine healing. You also have a chance of getting sick.

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