When can I wear makeup after powder brows? Learn important facts

You got your powder brows done, and your powder brows artist gave you rigorous aftercare instructions that you must adhere to achieve the finest results.

Some of them can be hazy at times. You know that while your brows heal, you shouldn’t wear permanent makeup, but When can I wear makeup after powder brows?

Let’s go through powder brows aftercare in more detail and provide the response to the query. 

Powder brows aftercare?

Powder brows are a type of semi-permanent makeup tattooing because they are created by pigment retention under the skin.

Your eyebrows are a fresh wound after the procedure, and you should treat them as such. Applying cosmetics to a wound that has recently begun to heal could cause an infection. It is forbidden for makeup to penetrate the skin. Additionally, they will hinder the healing process.

When can I wear makeup after ombre brows?

You can wear makeup when the scabbing and peeling phase has finished. One of the healing stages for tattooed eyebrows is scabbing, also known as peeling. It often begins between days 3 and 5 following therapy and can persist for up to 10 days.

Everyone heals differently. Therefore some individuals will have more severe scabbing, and others might not have any scabbing at all. Some people will only have minor flaking. Additionally, the time spent in the scabbing stage varies. Some people’s peeling will take more time. However, others’ peeling will last more than 10 days. This can be troublesome if the flaking persists for more than two weeks. Hence, get in touch with your powder brows artist.

In light of this, the answer to the question of when I may wear makeup after powder brows is roughly 2 weeks after the procedure, but only if all scabs have fallen off and the peeling has stopped.

Therefore, the complete healing process takes around 6 weeks, at which point your eyebrows will fully recover. But if you must, you can put on cosmetics earlier. The wound closes after two weeks, at which point the brows begin to take on their final form and hue.

Following removing the scabs, you can anticipate going through the ghosting stage. Your eyebrows will be too light for a few days so some makeup will be helpful.

While your eyebrows are still healing, caution is crucial when removing makeup. You should select items with care and gentleness. Moreover, you should avoid oil-based products since they may impact the retention of color.

Do Powder Brows Fade and How to Prevent that?

This method is less permanent than conventional tattooed brows since the pigment is placed less deeply into the skin. Since the procedure is only semi-permanent, the color will eventually deteriorate.

Depending on your skin type, lifestyle, and how you care for your brows, they can last one to three years. You can maintain the appearance and effect of the brows with routine touch-ups.

What Does the Healing Process Look Like?

Your brows will initially be slightly puffy and too dark because the method includes progressively introducing tiny spots of pigment into the skin to ensure no sharp edges but a gentle and seamless shading appearance. Thus, it helps to maintain skin integrity.

For the next four to six weeks, while your brows heal, you must be extra cautious.

What to anticipate during the healing process is as follows:

Day 2:Your brows appear like a block of pigment because they are too black. They may also be swollen and exhibit redness. Though you might not be content, be ready for this.

Day 3: Scabbing is the first thing you’ll see. Scabs peel out in one or several large chunks after receiving the ombre powder brow treatment.

Day 4 – 10: This stage is the hardest to get through since your scabs constantly drop off, leaving areas on your brows. Even though your brows are itchy, you should never touch or scratch them. Continue your aftercare routine and remain observant.

Day 10 – 14: Your brows appear too light, and you must believe that the entire operation has failed. Scabs are no longer as prevalent. The time for healing is almost up.

Day 14 – 21: Your brows are returning! They are taking on their final form and appear significantly better. They may appear spotty and uneven.

Day 21 – 30: Your brows have fully recovered. It’s time to schedule a touch-up session to fix any potential blemishes and faults.



So there you have it; if the scabs have dropped off after two weeks, the solution to the question of when I can apply makeup after powder brows is straightforward. To receive the finest effects from the procedure, keep in mind and adhere to all powder brows aftercare instructions. It will let you heal fast and avoid any problems.

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