How to clean a sauna suit?

Do you know what are sauna suits? They are often referred to as sauna suits. We’ll use them synonymously throughout this article. They can complement your workout regimen. Moreover, they aid in raising your body’s temperature and revving your metabolism, promoting faster fat loss, muscular building, and recuperation. In general, sauna suits are an excellent way to advance your training. However, if you’ve ever used a sweatsuit, you know how frequently it needs to be washed. Thus, you should know how to clean a sauna suit.

You must clean your sweat suit or sauna suit after each usage due to the crazy quantity of perspiration it produces and the compounds emitted from your body (from skin, sweat, hair, etc.). In this manner, it will reduce the possibility of offensive odors or other concerns. Moreover, it will always be ready for use. But you should learn how to clean sauna suit. Could you throw the sauna suit in the washer? Should you wash sauna suits by hand? This article will cover how to wash a sauna suit by hand and in your washing machine.

How to clean a sauna suit
How to clean a sauna suit

How To Wash a Sauna Suit

You can hand-wash or machine-wash sauna suit sit, depending on the model you bought. With some sauna suits, you could be limited to using just one of these techniques.

Let’s take an overview of how to wash your DIY sauna suit is provided below:

Hand Washing

  1. After using the sauna, flip your suit inside and pat dry. Hand wash reduces the possibility of fungus and bacteria growing on your sauna suit.
  2. If you’re not going to wash it right away, let it dry outside and, if possible, keep it out of your backpack.
  3. Allow it to soak in warm water between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius/68 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit in a bucket or bathtub.
  4. Add a gentle laundry detergent to the warm water, such as a mild hair shampoo or shower gel.
  5. Make a lather to ensure the detergent has been evenly distributed throughout the water.
  6. Give the sauna suit 15 minutes to soak.
  7. Drain the water, then rinse the sauna suit in a sink of fresh and cold water.
  8. Dry your sauna suit entirely before putting it back on by hanging it out to air dry.

Washing machines

Is a sauna suit machine washable? Firstly, you should know if your sauna suit is machine washable. Following are some points for machine washing a sauna suit.

  1. Examine the sauna suit’s label and, if any instructions are provided, follow them.
  2. Place the sauna suit in the washer and wash it with a mild all-purpose detergent free of fabric softener, bleach, and other fragrances.
  3. Use the delicate clothing or gentle cycle on the washing machine setting and set the machine to use cold water (20 degrees Celsius or 68 degrees Fahrenheit).
  4. The sauna suit should not be spun on or given an additional spin cycle, as this will harm the item.
  5. Avoid ironing, dry cleaning, or tumble drying your clothing.
  6. Be careful to wash the sauna suit alongside clothing items with a similar hue.
  7. Hang up your sauna suit to air dry, and don’t put it on again until it is entirely dry.

How Should a Sauna Suit Be Dried?

  1. Hand drying your sauna suits is preferable whether you wash them by hand or in a washing machine. Some suits are left to dry in the sun, which harms the sauna suit materials used to make the suits.
  2. Your sauna suits should be dried in a location with steady warm or hot temperatures. For instance, you could hang the suit up to dry in a cool, well-ventilated area.
  3. Also, be careful to dry your suit completely. If not, moisture or remaining wet will breed harmful bacteria in your suit.

Bonus Advice: You should clean and dry out your PVC sauna suits if you aren’t using them. Then hang them in a location with a constant temperature to store them.

How Frequently Should a Sauna Suit Be Laundered?

If you use the sauna suit occasionally, like once a week, you should wash it immediately. Possibly, bacteria and fungi will grow on your nylon-coated cloth if the sweat isn’t washed for a week.

However, it might not be practicable to wash your sauna suit every time you wear it if you do so frequently or on consecutive training days. You would wash it in this situation after every two uses.

Immediately after the workout, turn your sauna suit inside and pat it dry between washing. It should be hung on a coat hanger in a cozy, well-lit space.

How to clean a sauna suit
How to clean a sauna suit

How to Stop Odors From Developing in Your Sauna Suit

If you maintain a good cleaning routine, scents in your sauna suit shouldn’t accumulate. However, the following advice is crucial for avoiding the accumulation of odor
  1. After each usage, turn your sauna suit inside out.
  2. As soon as you finish using your sauna suit, pat it dry.
  3. Don’t let your sauna suit linger for more than two days underneath a mountain of dirty laundry.
  4. Avoid leaving your sauna suit in a stench-filled space.
  5. Ventilate the space where you hang up your sauna suit.
  6. Store your sauna suit in your backpack for a maximum of a day.
  7. When drying a garment on a drying rack, spread it out by hand

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a sauna suit washable in a machine?

Cleaning a sauna suit is permitted using the delicate or gentle cycle. Next, use a soft and mild laundry detergent and a delicate or gentle cycle in the washer to clean your suit. Reminder: Avoid washing your sauna suit on a spin cycle, as this will harm different sauna suit materials.

Is wearing a sweat suit good for losing weight?

The average body weight and fat percentage decreased by 2.6% and 13.8%, respectively, in the sauna suit group. The exercise-only group experienced an 8.3% reduction in body fat and an average weight loss of 0.9%.

What happens if I wear a sauna suit everyday?

Although sauna suits might advertise advantages like detoxification and weight loss, there is no clinical evidence to support these claims. Risks associated with exercising while wearing a sauna suit include dehydration and overheating. Visit a doctor as soon as you become aware of these illnesses’ symptoms.


In conclusion, you can wash your sauna suit by hand or machine. Although it requires a little more time and work, hand cleaning will extend the life of your suit. Although machine cleaning is quicker, the constant friction in the washer will eventually harm your suit by creating microtears. We have understood how to clean a sauna suit.

However, there is no comparison for drying.  Always hang-dry it. Polyester dries quickly and painlessly since it doesn’t absorb much water.

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