Can you tan with makeup on?

Can you tan with makeup on? We all adore cosmetics. It improves our appearance and boosts our self-esteem. Although it can be used for almost any occasion, wearing all the makeup while tanning is not advised.

Do you realize how much stress applying makeup while sunbathing puts on the skin? It will produce an uneven and patchy tan by combining UV radiation from the sun (or tanning bed) and cosmetic chemicals.

Throughout this post, we will address the query, “can you tan with makeup on?”. We’ll go through what transpires to your skin’s surface while you tan while wearing cosmetics. We’ll also offer some tanning advice for your upcoming beach trip.

Can you get tan with makeup on?

Makeup destroys your tan and skin. Thus, you cannot tan through makeup.

Makeup can’t provide UV light protection. This implies that the cosmetics won’t shield your skin from UV rays outside in the sun.

Moreover, to make matters worse, if you’re wearing makeup, the color will be uneven, giving you a splotchy and patchy appearance.

Hence, it isn’t good.  Avoid wearing makeup when sunbathing, perhaps except a moisturizer with SPF.

Can you still tan with makeup on In A Tanning Bed?

No. That is more harmful than the sun. UV rays from tanning beds can be up to 20 times more intense than sunlight. Your tan will look awful, and your makeup will melt and run. Hence, we have addressed this query, “can you tan in a tanning bed with makeup on?” in this paragraph. 

Cons of sunbathing while wearing makeup for your skin

While cosmetics can provide additional UV protection, it depends on the product. After all, cosmetics contain chemicals that, when sunlight exposure, may degrade and cause adverse effects on your skin. Furthermore, the foundation could stop sweat from evaporating from your skin, resulting in clogged pores.

Avoid being in the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when it is at its fiercest to protect your skin when tanning. 

Can you get a spray tan with makeup on?

Wearing makeup while receiving a spray tan is also not a good idea. This is so that a spray tan will stay on your skin evenly since makeup will prevent it from getting there.

Additionally, applying liquid makeup immediately after receiving a spray tan is not advised since the chemicals in the foundation will react with the chemicals in the spray tan, leaving blotches on your fresh tan. Additionally, it takes time for a spray tan to develop and set. During that time, you won’t be able to wash your face. In light of this, makeup that calls for facial washing will only function once enough time has passed.

Facts About Wearing Makeup While Tanning

According to research, makeup can shield your skin from the sun, which might result in an uneven tan. However, you shouldn’t use cosmetics as a substitute for UV protection whether you’re wearing foundation, powders, blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, or lipstick. It is because exposure to the sun, even with makeup on, could: 

  1. Cause sunburns
  2. Skin Damage
  3. Raise your risk of developing skin cancer.

Most cosmetics contain difficult-to-degrade compounds, which is why makeup products can occasionally act as a tanning blocker. These substances can stop UV rays from penetrating your skin and causing melanin to be produced.

Some believe that if they wear sunscreen underneath their makeup, their face might tan correctly, but this is untrue. But according to experts, even when wearing sunscreen, your skin will still tan, only more slowly.

How Can I Prevent a Makeup Tan?

It is safe to assume that applying cosmetics will have some effect on your tan. Many factors affect whether you burn, tan, or tan in specific regions. Some of these factors include:

  1. Whether or not your cosmetics have SPF.
    SPF in makeup may not be strong enough to block the sun’s harmful rays entirely. SPF 30 or above is recommended for complete protection.
  2. The nature of your skin:
    Sensitive skin type will be more vulnerable to sunburn. Because some medications make your skin more sensitive than others, you should take particular care if you’re taking them.
  3. The time of day:
    Your skin will be most impacted between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. when the sun is fiercest. Keep this in mind if you’re trying to get a tan during the middle of the day when the sun is particularly strong. 

Other Effects of Makeup in the Sun

Wearing cosmetics during tanning is also not a good option because it has the following effects in addition to having an impact on the outcome:

  1. It can clog your pores, causing skin irritation and breakouts, and leave you blotchy.
  2. These results are due to the summer’s heightened heat. In addition to making you perspire, it causes your skin’s oil glands to generate too much oil, which combines with dead skin cells to form obstructions. Hence, it is the leading cause of skin congestion.

How to Tan With Makeup On

You can choose makeup with SPF30+ if you want your face to tan while wearing some form of coverage, such as: 

  1. Tinted sunscreen
  2. A tinted moisturizer with SPF
  3. A lightweight and oil-free foundation with SPF

But remember that it’s just a layer on top, not the main attraction.

Additionally, remember that you will need to reapply your SPF product frequently throughout the day to protect yourself from the sun, whether you wear makeup with SPF protection or sunscreen with a bit of makeup on top.


When exposed to the sun, wearing makeup can hinder your face from uniformly tanning. However, if you like a perfect finish while basking in the sun, you might choose sunscreen instead of a product with minimal coverage. 

Can you tan with makeup on? It is a popular query, and people want to know the answer. We have explained different facts about tanning. Hence, you may read this article and decide whether you can tan with makeup.

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